Urbanisation / Megacities

Substantial strategies for growing cities
There are big cities and small towns, old settlements and new developments. What does the future hold for towns and cities and what will they need in order to function?

Searching for answers afield
Gazing up at a starry night sky is fascinating. And it poses questions concerning the way we look at ourselves and the future. How can we answer these questions?

Renewable raw materials from Nature
For some, they are swaying oceans of blossom. For others, they are the fuel of the future. How can we use bio-based systems to live sustainably and at one with nature?
Dialogue about our past and future
The development of mankind is no more than the blink of an eye In the universe's history. And yes, it's pretty hard to grasp how mankind became such a high-tech civilisation. Who does the serious thinking about the past and the future? And who will show us how we can continue to coexist as time marches on?
Human Capital Development

We are meeting the challenges of tomorrow
Our lives are changing faster than ever before. How can we ensure that our children get to grips with tomorrow's world? And how can we prepare them optimally for the challenges that the future holds?
Health Innovation

Now as then: Thinking ahead, starting to act ...
The healthcare sector produces a constant flow of innovations that make a tangible difference to our quality of life. How can our countries benefit from that?
Climate Change

About adjustment, risk management and flexibility
To find out how and why the climate is changing, we need to know what the situation was thousands of years ago. But who are we supposed to ask?