South African revolutionary and linguist Dr. Neville Edward Alexander has departed this world
Cape Town - Former South African revolutionary, Dr Neville Edward Alexander is died at the age of 75 years - according to reports from Monday. He worked as a teacher, lecturer and author. He was a strong supporter of socialist ideals, proponent of multilingualism in South Africa and opponent of the of the apartheid regime.
He was a member of NEUM (Non European Unity Movement, ab 1964 Unity Movement of South Africa – UMSA), a founding member of the Yu Chi Chan Club and the National Liberation Front, leader of WOSA (Workers' Organisation for Socialist Action) and director of PRAESA (Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa). Dr. Neville Alexander was imprisoned from 1964 to 1974 on Robben Island for conspiracy and sabotage in connection of a revolutionary movement that he had led until 1963. Nelson Mandela was inmate on Robben Island, too. The arrest of Alexander provoked reactions worldwide.
Dr. Neville Alexander was an alumnus of the Humboldt Foundation and gave a presentation in the context of the German-South African Year of Science on developments in South Africa in Bonn this spring.
More information about the life and work of Dr. Neville Alexander under www.sahistory.org.za/people/dr-neville-edward-alexander